Featured In The Northwest Horse Source’s September 2021 Issue

The Northwest Horse Source magazine featured a story by me in its September, 2021 issue. Screenshot from: https://magazine.nwhorsesource.com/september-2021/#more-1473

Have you been wondering “how should I prepare for a portrait session with my horse?” Well, good news! I’m excited to announce that I have a feature story in the September, 2021 issue of The Northwest Horse Source magazine answering this very question. This includes preparing both you and your horse to look and feel your best on camera for your portrait session. For example, outfit ideas, choosing tack and what to bring, so your session goes as smoothly as possible.

You can’t always anticipate how a horse will act in front of a camera. That’s why it’s important to plan ahead for your session. These are some tips I’ve learned in my experiences photographing horses. For example, what to do when a horse won’t look at the camera with its ears forward.

Have I caught your attention? You can read my article in The Northwest Horse Source here.

My article in the September issue of The Northwest Horse Source. Screenshot from https://magazine.nwhorsesource.com/september-2021/#more-1473

September 1, 2021

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