Ryley’s Senior Pictures at Council Grove Park

I’m so glad Frenchtown senior Ryley decided to include her two horses Gertrude and Doc for senior pictures at Council Grove Park! Ryley likes to try out different types of riding including jumping and O-Mok-See. It’s always fun to capture the relationship that someone has with their equine best friends. You can sure tell that she’s happy with a horse at her side.

High school senior girl wearing red shirt and jeans walks in field of grass at Council Grove State Park with a horse on each side
High school senior wearing blue sundress laughs next to her palamino gelding in a field of grass at Council Grove State Park
Girl wearing red shirt and jeans smiles next to her roan horse in a field
Missoula high school senior girls stands in field with her roan and palamino horse at Council Grove State Park

September 7, 2022

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