Burlington-Edison High School Senior: Downtown Fairhaven Session

Historic downtown Fairhaven is always one of my favorite places to bring my camera, no shortage of great spots that show off its charm. We made our way around downtown finding locations that truly captured the urban setting. The bustling old brick streets of downtown Fairhaven were full of conversation. People popped in and out of the shops, enjoying the late September evening. Storefronts lined the sidewalks and along with plenty of aged brick buildings. A few vibrantly colored leaves sprinkled the sidewalk, showing only the beginnings of the autumn season.

In this senior session I photographed Benny, a senior at Burlington-Edison High School, and member of the football team. You could tell he was excited about his upcoming graduation. Senior year just flies by! Well, all of high school does really, which can make senior portraits a great way to remember it.


October 12, 2021

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