The Difference Between Headshots & Personal Branding Photos

Did you know that there is a difference between headshots and personal branding photos? If not, you’re not the only one. These two terms are often mixed up. These differ both in style and use.

What are headshots?

Headshots are clear, close-up images of the face. The face is the focus of the photos, which means most photos are from the shoulders up. This makes them perfect for profile pictures, an about page, email signatures, and business cards. Headshot sessions are shorter, with fewer location changes and images delivered. Also, these images typically have a more professional feel than photos from a personal branding session.

examples of headshots for small businesses

What are personal branding photos?

Personal branding photos help showcase what’s unique about you and your brand. These sessions are longer, with more locations, images, and outfit changes. You will receive a mixture of headshot and full-body pictures that are more candid. The backgrounds, facial expressions, and subjects will differ. For example, personal branding photos could include you working to give clients a view of behind the scenes into your process, in addition to more portrait-style images.

These images allow you to highlight your personality and take more planning. A brand photographer will account for where you plan to use the images to best capture what you need. Branding photos can be used on social media, email newsletters, blogs, ads, printed materials, and websites.

examples of personal branding photos for small businesses

Which is right for you? Headshots or personal branding photos?

Start by accessing your needs. If you just need a close-up image from your shoulders up for your profile photos or about page, headshots are the best choice for you. However, if you are looking for greater variety and content to use, personal branding photos are the way to go.

If you still aren’t sure what is right for you, don’t be afraid to reach out to a brand photographer to ask. Your photographer will help you make the best choice for your needs.

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March 15, 2022

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