9 Reasons You Need Branding Photos

When potential clients find your business online, imagery is a large part of your brand’s first impression. It is important to invest in high quality images that can be used over time to communicate the value you provide to your customers/clients. It also creates consistency across your brand. There are 9 reasons why you should get branding photos for your small business: to show your team, upcoming website changes, outdated headshots, planning social media content, new portfolio images, blog post visuals, email newsletters and to save time.

#1 Show the people behind your business

I believe that one of the key reasons to do a branding photoshoot is letting your clients see the team behind your business. This builds trust with clients and allows them to associate a face with the brand. Although stock photos can be a great option for images you are unable to source yourself, it is important to incorporate images individual to your business. What’s stopping another business from using the same stock imagery on their website? For your small business to stand out from others in the local market, get personalized branding images.


#2 A website re-brand or update

Create consistency across your website with images that convey the same brand messaging. When planning the photoshoot, brainstorm where your images will be utilized across your website. Instead of choosing images purely based on aesthetic, consider the purpose behind them. For example, will these images be used to promote an upcoming launch on a landing page, to demonstrate a service, for blog posts or something else? Images help in highlighting how you are different than the competition, by depicting what’s unique in your process.

#3 Headshots

Often there is a misconception that branding images are just headshots. Branding photos also show your workspace, your process, products, tools of the trade. However, headshots are just as an important in your branding session. Updated headshots are a great addition to not only your about page, but to introduce members of your team on social media. Keeping photos updated allows customers to recognize those in the business.


#4 Social Media Content

According to Instagram, the majority of people using the platform follow businesses, at 90% of Instagram users. Having a full gallery of images to pull from can help keep your posting consistent, which means no more running out of ideas. Varying up images with headshots, your team actively working and flat lays adds interest to your profile. Well thought out and planned images with a purpose can be used to stop the scroll of your followers on social media, keeping them engaged with your content.

#5 Updated portfolio images

Regularly updating portfolio images gives clients a reason to come back to your website and brings in more website traffic. Your work keeps evolving. Your website should reflect that.

#6 Blog Posts

Break up your text and make your blog posts more aesthetically pleasing and digestible with images. If your viewers see a large block of text it can be overwhelming and deter them from reading further.

#7 Email newsletters

Similar to blog posts, adding images can make newsletters more attractive to readers. Additionally, with a related to image, comes the ability to re-capture attention lost when skimming the email. Branding images can even be used to strengthen the message you are communicating in text when chose strategically.

#9 Save time

You are busy! A branding photographer captures your business’s value to customers, so you can spend more time growing your business. There’s no need to take time to photograph images or purchase and learn to use the necessary equipment. Your photographer will work with you to plan out photographs that will have the most impact for your business.

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February 1, 2022

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